• Dawson Masters
  • 173 HCR 3303W - Malone, TX 76660
  •   972-465-0339


World Galloway Congress and North American International Livestock Exposition

November 2021 - Louisville, KY

This is the big one, folks! Galloway breeders from all over the world will be in Louisville to see the most beautiful Belted Galloway Cattle from all over North America as they are shown at NAILE. If you've never been to this event, book your trip now! Over 30,000 animals (cattle, swine, mules, donkeys, horses, alpacas, llamas, goats, sheep) compete over a two week period in hope of being crowned Champions of North America.

Everyone is welcome and we would love to see a lot of participants. If you want to showcase your cattle but have never shown before or are unable to participate in the show ring, please email SBGA President Tommy Fey for options... Your SBGA is here to help!

Louisville is a vibrant city filled with history, delicious food, Churchill Downs, and of course, Bourbon. Even if you don't want to show, please come out to enjoy the city and the Expo, support your fellow Beltie Breeders and help promote our fantastic breed.


Kentucky Exposition Center
937 Phillips Lane
Louisville, KY 40209


For breeders and enthusiasts of  Belted Galloway cattle  in the  Southwest United States